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Available Online

Reiki I, II, & Master

1 year Membership

3 hr
60 US dollars
Harbor Centre

Service Description

We will honor all who have been certified prior to membership. Contact us for more details on how you can be gifted for all you've done thus far. When you sign up you will receive an overview of what your membership consists of. Below is a brief description of what it entails moving forward. To keep costs low you will be required to purchase all resources and books recommended that are not printable or online. We will also have them available to borrow if needed. Reiki I 1st Month an appointment will be scheduled for Reiki I lesson and attunement Reiki II 3th Month an appointment will be scheduled for Reiki II lesson and attunement Master Reiki 10 Month an appointment will be scheduled for Master Reiki attunement and guidance on how to find your practice to attune others We will be exploring Traditional Reiki with New Age Reiki! Usui, Violet Flame, Golden Healer, Holy Fire, Karuna, Elemental, Crystal, Blue Ray After your Reiki I attunement you will be able to gather and receive healing during the offerings listed below for alignment, integration, and merge of Reiki energy with assistance if needed at no extra cost. Divine offerings; Reiki Circle & Share Sound Illumination Wednesday Resets Proceeding your Reiki II initiation and activation, following your attunement to Reiki II, you will have the opportunity each month to practice together, on clients, and in groups. Divine is opening space for you to do so in the offerings listed above if you feel called to continue your practice with us. You will be required to do (3) private sessions with Tara prior to Master if you do the practice on your own timing/availability. When Master is complete you will be given the choice to receive or offer at the offerings opened to Reiki students for the remainder of membership (2 months). Gifting you with the understanding of living in balance and awareness of when to give/receive. Each Month you will be given time to ask questions and receive guidance during monthly meetup on the 1st Saturdays, 1-4pm. If your Soul is calling forth tapping into the Reiki Practitioner within at Divine, we humbly accept the opportunity to guide you in finding the way in which you came to offer unconditional love through Divine light in the practice of Reiki! For any questions moving forward email us Blessings & Miracles here & now, From our Family to yours

Contact Details

  • 606 E Main St, Elizabeth City, NC, USA

    + 123-456-7890

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